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Types of Products & Attributes

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Types of Products/Services

  • When adding new products, you can Click on “Products” from the menu on your Dashboard to choose the type of product/service you will offer.

If you sell Products, you should select one of the following options:

  1. Simple Product
    • Examples: tv monitor, bottle, lamp, toy, etc.
  2. Variable Product
    • Examples: t-shirt, cakes, flower arrangement.
      • Variable Attributes:
        • Size: S, M, L, XL
        • Color: blue, red, yellow
        • Quantity: 6, 12, 24
  3. Grouped Product
    • Examples: set of desserts, gift sets, bundles.
  4. External/Affiliate Product
    • Examples: products with url to external websites.

If you sell Services, you should select one of the following options:

  1. Simple Product: Virtual or Downloadable
    • Virtual – Examples: teleconsultation, virtual check-up and diagnosis.
  2. Grouped Product
    • Examples: bundle of 1 hour photo service, 20 photos for downloading, 5 printed large canvas.
  3. Bookable Product
    • Examples: consultation service, room for rent.

Variable Products & Attributes

This feature is available for Variable Products in order to offer customized price and details.

Adding attributes such as colors, sizes, and price “variations” according to each color, size, etc.

  1. Fill in all the variable product/service details and clik on the “Attributes” option below.
  2. Add an attribute for each customized option, such as: color, size, quantity.
  3. Within each attribute, list all the attribute options with a |key. (You can find this key on the left button of your “1” button or the right button after your “]” or “}” button.
  4. Click “Submit” once you’ve done adding attributes to your product.

Adding Variations

Once you’ve done adding attributes to your products, you can add “variations“.

Look for “Variations” option right under “Attributes”.

**Please take note that depending on the version of your browser, the “variations” details will show up after the browser refreshes automatically.**

If each attribute of your product “varies” in price, photo, description and other details; enable the “create variation” option.

This will create variations for each of your attributes.

Now you can proceed to fill in the different details according to each attribute, such as:

  • Price
  • Photo
  • SKU
  • Stock
  • Dimensions: weight, length, width, height
  • Shipping Class
  • Tax Class
  • Description

Grouped Products

You can create a bundle or set of products/services that make up one whole product/service.

By adding the products/services that make up the grouped product/service.

Bookable Products

Set your own timeframes for your products/services.

Rent a room, offer online consultation, or let customers book any service you may offer within your own availability. Set the pricing and and policies according to each timeframe.

View all the bookings in your calendar:

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