Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping methods varies by Vendors. Most Vendors provide their own shipping or let Customers choose their preferred method of shipping. Please check the Vendor’s policy for detailed shipping information.

Order processing time may vary by seller to seller, but most of our sellers ship within 1-2 business days. Make sure to check each Vendor’s shipping policy for more details.

It all depends on the Vendor. Our platform allows you to communicate directly with the Vendor in case of any request or support. 

We offer multiple payment methods for customers’ convenience. You can pay with Visa and MasterCard credit cards, local panamanian Clave debit cards, Nequi and also Paypal for international transactions. has implemented the latest and most up-to-date security measures on all our servers and platform. We offer similar degree of safety measures and system provided by most banks.

You can always contact us to help you out in case there’s a problem processing your payment. We offer our customers the guarantee for their product/service satisfaction before releasing the funds to Vendors.

You can cancel or change the order from My Account dashboard. To access your My Account dashboard, simply click on the profile icon on top right corner. It’s always best to contact the seller of the item to get assistance regarding your order.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions page and you can also contact the Vendor for vendor specific return policy. makes sure to provide the best service to our customers. Customers can contact us in case they require Ezmarketz to referee between Vendor and Customer.

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